Lisa Priest now holds the Texas Residential Leasing Specialist (TRLS) designation from the Texas Association of REALTORS®!
Landlords and tenants want the services of a real estate professional who understands their needs and can guide them through the process of leasing or renting out their property.
Well, have no fear, Lisa is here! 😉 (I’m so cheesy, haha!)
The leasing and management of residential properties continues to become more complex and I love to stay current on trending topics in Real Estate, especially property management.
I have been in property management for 13 years and understand the complexity of rental transactions. Property Management, leasing and rentals are an animal all their own and you need someone with the experience and fortitude to make you money. After all, making you money is my business and business is good! I truly love property management, because it is a people business and I love people. Sure, not every day is sunshine and roses, but if you start out with a plan and get the RIGHT tenants (not just a warm body), then I am the one for you. If you are looking for an experienced property manager for your Palestine, Texas property, feel free to give me a call or text at (903)-948-3343. It doesn’t cost anything to talk to see if we are a good match. 😉